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I spent today with Nicci. I have known her since she was a girl and now she is one fine and dearly loved woman. We did the Urunga Father’s Day picnic and ate organic doughnuts and sat with Deano.

I RAISED my Kids and she raised hers as single parents.

Tonight all is well.


And this is my Dad. I have never managed to be free of the guilt I have for abandoning him in the last years of his life.He was a good Dad. Eccentric and interesting and intelligent.

Now that I know what it is truly like to be in those hospitals.

Now that I know what it is like to be so physically impaired that each day, each movement is traumatic.

Now that I know what it is like to have one’s Love die suddenly – Dad I am so sorry. I wish I had been there to stroke your arm and the smooth skin. To listen to you and talk to you.

I wish I had been there more often than what I was.

WE did, however, have some wonderful times.